Tag Archives: Kelly

Connor’s 100 Day/Red Egg and Ginger Celebration

Technically, Connor’s 100 Day Celebration was on his 91st day, but who’s counting. Let’s fast forward a few days for our next story…

On his 99st day, Connor gave us a gift. He slept through the entire night! It happened a bit by accident. Long story short, I left the freezer slightly ajar on the 98th day and several bags of frozen breast milk had thawed. Forty one ounces to be exact. Once breast milk thaws, you are not supposed to refreeze it and it has to be consumed within 24hrs. I guess you can say Connor had a bit of a breast milk buffet that day. Up to that point, he had only been feeding about 3.5 oz at a time. In his last feeding that night, he fed 6 ounces. That is more than we had imagined he was capable of consuming. Amazingly, he slept 8 hrs that night (previous record was 5 hr). It was glorious.

One Month Celebration

Day 32

Earlier today, Vivian took Connor to the doctor and he weighed in at 8lb 10.5oz and 22 inches long. Our baby is growing so fast. He’s over one month old now! It’s time for a small family celebration. By the time I get home from work, my parents have everything prepared for a short ceremony. Connor is decked out with some nice bling and a lucky red outfit. There is a table full of offerings. Incense sticks are lit. My parents say a few words to Connor. We bow. And finally, my dad takes a small clipping of Connors’ hair. It’s a whirlwind of activity, of which I really need to learn the significance… and then we are off to dinner where the rest of my siblings await.

Belated Chinese New Year Celebration

Day 21

Today, my family is coming over to celebrate a belated Chinese New Year together.

Tyler’s been patiently waiting for a chance to hold Connor. Apparently, he was very disappointed he didn’t get a chance to hold Connor in the hospital.  Well, it’s Tylers’ turn today. With a barricade of cushions surrounding Tyler on the daybed, he is ready for Connor.

It’s nice to see all the cousins excited to be around Connor right now. I just hope their excitement carries over to when Connor is old enough to play with them.

Cousin Kelly

Day 16

I get a call from my mom asking me to pop a pizza into the oven cause she’s bringing Connors’ youngest cousin, 2 1/2 yr old Kelly, for a visit.

When the cousins visited newborn Connor in the hospital, Kelly was probably the most excited to meet him. She wanted to hold him, but Stella told her she was too young. Kelly couldn’t resist though and patiently waited until Stella was distracted before patting Connor a few times. Knowing that that was going to be as close to holding Connor as she would get that day, Kelly stopped with a grin on her face.

I’m expecting that Kelly is going to want to hold Connor today. I can tell she’s excited when she arrives. The very first thing she asks me is, “Is the pizza ready yet?” She’s hungry. The second thing she asks me is,”Where is MoMos’ [Vivians’] baby?” She remembers when Connor was in Vivs’ belly, so she knows to associate the baby to her. She gives me a blank stare when I tell her Connor is also my baby. I guess 2 1/2 years old is a bit early to go into a lesson about the birds and the bees. All she wants to know now is when she can hold Connor. “After you finish eating your lunch”, I tell her. She peers into Connors’ bassinet as he sleeps and sneaks in a quick pat. She then goes and takes a few bites of her pizza. She has a good memory and always remembers the deals you make with her.  As soon as she is done eating, she washes her hands and climbs onto the daybed. With MaMa by her side, she cautiously holds Connor for the first time.