Tag Archives: Ofy

Connor’s 100 Day/Red Egg and Ginger Celebration

Technically, Connor’s 100 Day Celebration was on his 91st day, but who’s counting. Let’s fast forward a few days for our next story…

On his 99st day, Connor gave us a gift. He slept through the entire night! It happened a bit by accident. Long story short, I left the freezer slightly ajar on the 98th day and several bags of frozen breast milk had thawed. Forty one ounces to be exact. Once breast milk thaws, you are not supposed to refreeze it and it has to be consumed within 24hrs. I guess you can say Connor had a bit of a breast milk buffet that day. Up to that point, he had only been feeding about 3.5 oz at a time. In his last feeding that night, he fed 6 ounces. That is more than we had imagined he was capable of consuming. Amazingly, he slept 8 hrs that night (previous record was 5 hr). It was glorious.

We’re Here To Plump You Up!

Day 18-20

During Connors’ 2nd week visit to the pediatrician, we were told that Connor was behind schedule in his weight gain and he was still below his birth weight. We learned that we weren’t feeding him as efficiently as we could, so before supplementing with baby formula, we wanted to try a different, more efficient method of feeding.

It’s hard to tell if he is gaining weight, but it looks like his cheeks are just a little bit plumper. We are anxiously waiting for our upcoming pediatricians’ visit to see if working double time will pay off.

SuperBowl Sunday

Day Seven

Thanks Tammy, Al, Lynn, and Jared for coming by and bringing the SuperBowl preparty to us! Too bad the Niners got robbed in the NFC Championships and didn’t make the actual SuperBowl more interesting to watch.

Thanks A9 and UPete for coming by for a visit. We always love your company!

Thanks Ofy for helping prepare dinner for us! You should come more often. 😉